We are glad to host you. Compliance with the following rules will allow us to provide you with a peaceful and safe stay.

  1. The Kurkowa Apartments Regulations are valid from July 8, 2022 for an indefinite period until further notice. KA further stands for Kurkowa Apartments.
  2. Commencement of stay at KA is equivalent to reading and accepting the provisions of these regulations, which is an integral part of the contract regarding stay at KA. The regulations are available in the apartment and on the website
  3. The contract is concluded by making a reservation (by phone, e-mail or online via the website), payment of an advance, or the entire amount due for the stay by the Guest (tenant).
  4. The apartment is rented for days. The apartment day lasts from 15:00 on the day of arrival to 11:00 the next day.
  5. KA reserves the right to refuse to accept a guest, without the possibility of a refund, in case a tenant does not have an identity card or does not want to show an identity document, is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, or refuses to pay for the stay.
  6. Leaving things or staying in the apartment after 11:00 am on the day of departure without prior notification to KA is treated as an automatic extension of the stay. KA may charge a fee for the next day of renting a room according to the prices applicable on that day.
  7. The guest who rents the apartment may not transfer it to other people, both when the rental period (stay) for which he paid the fee has not expired, and after this period has expired.
  8. The number of people (guests) staying in the apartment under the contract is limited to the number reported in the booking process. If the number of people turns out to be greater than the number specified when booking, the lessee undertakes to pay a contractual penalty of 200 PLN (verbally: two hundred zloty) for each additional person per night. In the event of exceeding the permissible number of people in the apartment,
    KA may also refuse access to the apartment or order you to leave it without the obligation to refund the fees paid.
  9. People visiting KA Guests may stay in the apartment from 7:00 to 22:00. Staying outside these hours of visitors is prohibited, under pain of denying access to the apartment or ordering them to leave without the obligation to refund the fees paid by KA
  10. The stay of pets in KA is allowed only in selected apartments and requires prior notification during the booking process. The presence of animals in other than the designated apartments or the lack of prior notification of the stay of animals will result in a fine of PLN 500 (verbally: five hundred zloty) for each night booked by the Guest.
  11. KA reserves the right to refuse to accept animals whose species / breeds are generally recognized as dangerous or aggressive.
  12. The owner of the animal declares that the animal is healthy and does not pose a threat to other people and animals.
  13. Pets should stay in the room rented by the guest. Outside the room, pets must be  on a leash and under the care of the owner.
  14. In KA there is an obligation to keep the curfew from 22:00 to 6:00 the next day, regardless of the day of the week. During the quiet hours, guests and people using the services of KA are obliged to behave in such a way that it does not in any way disturb the peace of the stay of other people, as well as the residents of the immediate vicinity.
  15. 15. On the premises of KA, including all apartments, in accordance with the Act on health protection against the consequences of using tobacco and tobacco products (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 276, as amended) and the Act on the State Sanitary Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 195, as amended) - smoking, tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) is completely forbidden. Breaking the ban on smoking cigarettes and tobacco products in a hotel room is equivalent to the guest's consent to cover the costs of room de-aromatization in the amount of PLN 1,000 (verbally: one thousand zloty).
  16. The guest bears full material and legal responsibility for any damage or destruction of the equipment and devices in the apartment caused by their fault or the fault of people visiting him, as well as animals staying with the guest.
  17. When leaving the apartment, the Guest should always make sure that the doors and windows are properly closed.
  18. Items left in the apartment by the Guest after the end of the stay will be sent back at their expense to the address indicated by them.
  19. In the event of a breach of the provisions of these Regulations, KA may refuse to continue providing services to the person who breaches them. Such a person is obliged to immediately follow the instructions of KA employees, to settle the amount due for the services provided so far and to pay for any damage or destruction caused.
  20. Kurkowa Apartments is obliged to ensure the safety of the stay, including the confidentiality of information about the guest.
  21. KA has a video monitoring system installed. Monitoring is used to improve the safety of guests. Monitoring data is stored and can be made available on request of the relevant state services. KA has 13 cameras monitoring the internal common parts and the immediate vicinity of the tenement house.
  22. KA reserves the right, in the event of sudden faults or other random events, to shorten the booking and return funds for unused nights.
  23. The provisions of the Civil Code shall apply to matters not covered by these regulations.
  24. The court competent for resolving any disputes is the court competent for Kurkowa Apartments.
  25. The administrator of personal data of persons staying on the premises of Kurkowa Apartments is Kurkowa Apartments Dorota Kawecka at St. Kurkowa 2a, e-mail address: Personal data will be processed in order to use the accommodation service. The recipients of personal data will only be entities authorized to obtain personal data on the basis of legal provisions. Personal data will be stored for a period of 6 years or based on a legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator. There is the right to request the Administrator of personal data to access personal data, rectify it, delete or limit processing, as well as the right to withdraw consent and the right to lodge a complaint.


St. Kurkowa 2a
70-535 Szczecin

Kurkowa Apartments Dorota Kawecka
ING Bank: 33 1050 1214 1000 0097 7328 5730
+48 571 608 082

Kurkowa Apartments - Apartments in the center of Szczecin

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